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Welcome to MyGens

MyGens is an innovative platform meticulously crafted by keewinek, providing a diverse array of free generators and tools to cater to all your creative needs. Whether you're a seasoned developer, a creative content creator, or simply an individual seeking some fun and convenience, MyGens offers a world of possibilities that will spark your imagination and boost your productivity.

Discover the Power of Generators

With an ever-expanding collection of generators at your fingertips, MyGens is your one-stop destination for unleashing creativity and finding practical solutions. Want to generate random names for your fictional characters? Need a quick Random English Word for your website? Looking for an inspiring writing prompt to kickstart your creativity? Look no further! Our intuitive interface allows you to effortlessly browse through various generator categories and find exactly what you need.

Create Your Own Magic

At MyGens, we believe that everyone has a unique spark waiting to be unleashed. That's why we provide a powerful yet user-friendly generator creation tool. With just a click on the "Create" button, you can embark on a journey to design your very own generators. From customizing the outputs to adding personalized touches, the creative process is entirely yours to shape. Once you're satisfied with your creation, share it with the community and witness the magic of your generator spreading far and wide.

Everything's Free, Always

MyGens firmly believes in democratizing creativity and accessibility. That's why all the generators and tools on our platform are available to you completely free of charge. No hidden fees, no subscriptions – just pure creative joy for everyone to enjoy.

MyGens Lang Docs

Rng package:

rng.char will be replaced with an random character (letter or digit). rng.char.upper will be replaced with an random upper character (upper letter or digit). rng.char.lower will be replaced with an random lower character (lower letter or digit). rng.char will be replaced with an random character (letter or digit). rng.char.upper will be replaced with an random upper character (upper letter or digit). rng.char.lower will be replaced with an random lower character (lower letter or digit). rng.digit will be replaced with an random digit. rng.dig will be replaced with an random digit. rng.letter will be replaced with an random letter (lowercase or uppercase). rng.upper will be replaced with an random uppercase letter. rng.lower will be replaced with an random lowecase letter. rng.num$25 will be replaced with an random number, lower than the number after "$" and higher or equal to 0 rng.num.from_one$25 will be replaced with an random number, lower than the number after "$" and higher or equal to 1 rng.special will be replaced with random special character (ex.: $, !, &, #)

Chr package:

chr.and will be replaced with "&" chr.equal will be replaced with "=" chr.bracketsLeft will be replaced with "{" chr.bracketsRight will be replaced with "}" chr.arrowLeft will be replaced with "<" chr.arrowRight will be replaced with ">"


If you have any questions or you have found a bug, please contact me.

To do that you can join my discord server or in extreme cases, you can email me: More contact options will be available at my website:

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Our full Privacy Policy is accessible at our privacy page.